Akashic Grace does Akashic Record Readings, Classes and Meetings, plus Reiki Energy and Akashic Reiki Sessions

Akashic Grace does Akashic Record Readings, Classes and Meetings, plus Reiki Energy and Akashic Reiki Sessions

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What is Akashic Grace?
Akashic Grace is the divine grace that flows as you access the Akashic Record. Sometimes it feels palpable, often times it feels uplifting, and all the time, it is present in the Akashic Record.
The Akashic Record is the energetic record of every soul’s journey on this earth. Not connected with any specific religion, the Record contains past, present, and future possibilities, and is especially powerful in bringing your focus into the present moment.
Grace's services
Grace Lindsay, proprietor of AkashicGrace.com, is honored to offer several different services related to the Akashic Record, including private readings, classes, monthly practice meetings, and events such as weekend retreats, metaphysical fairs, and guided meditations in the Akashic Record.
In addition, Grace is a Master Reiki Practitioner, and offers Reiki Energy Work in-person in her office or remotely in your home via telephone or online video conference. She conducts Reiki sessions (fully-clothed) with the traditional Usui and Karuna Reiki protocols.
Grace also offers a unique mode of healing that she calls Akashic Reiki, which combines the energy work of Reiki with the energy and insights of the Akashic Record to form a powerful synergistic foundation for transformation.
More information is available about each of these services under the Services tab at the top, as well as the links on the right side of this page. We invite you to take a look and learn more!
Services Offered